Study on Pediatric Antipsychotic Utilization

Rutgers Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research is conducting a study of state Medicaid offices’ efforts to promote the safe use of antipsychotic medications among their children, funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. From a review of the literature, state policies, and conversations with subject matter experts, Rutgers has selected California for a deeper dive into how the State has successfully promoted the safe use of these medications. As part of the study, they would like to interview some key stakeholders in California to document the development and implementation of the safe use initiatives for Medicaid-enrolled children. They would like to hear perspectives on approaching California’s landscape and would appreciate any connections or suggestions you can make for those within your network. You can view a one-page summary of the study here.

If you would like to participate or have any questions, please contact Jim Lloyd or Kylie Davidson.  

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