As many of you are aware, the New York Times has run a four-part mental health series of articles in its Sunday Opinion section. Their intro to it is as follows:
“Americans are talking a lot about their Mental health these days. Social media influencers openly discuss their diagnoses; the language of trauma and self-care has found its way into everyday conversation; topics like teenage suicides and psychedelics are frequent subjects of consideration in the news. Maybe you’ve been talking about mental health more, too — your own, your family’s. Maybe it’s not as good as it used to be. Over the course of the pandemic, rates of anxiety and depression have skyrocketed. Self-harm and suicide attempts among adolescents are on the rise. Even those who aren’t staring into the void still feel like they’re languishing. A national conversation about mental health is important. But we think something has been missing from it. Mental health is a personal experience, of course, but it’s also something that is very much shaped by the world around us: our communities, our economies, our politics, our medical institutions. We’re hoping this special issue of Sunday Opinion will make you think differently about mental health and, consequently, help make all of our mental health better. We can improve our collective mental health only if we recognize that the problems — and the solutions — are all of ours. In other words: It’s not just you.” Read more.