Dr. Takeo Toyoshima Reflects on Year as Board Chair

This past year has been a truly inspiring one. I learned tremendously from the other Board Members, the Government Affairs Committee members, and the intense and thought-provoking discussions had at the respective meetings. It has been eye-opening to learn about the legislative process. As is often the case in medical training, I was used to being taught a certain manner of approaching and addressing a problem, as if this is final and fixed. The experiences this year have helped to drastically change this mindset. Change is possible. If something is not working, we can help to fix the problem rather than working in the parameters defined by said problem. We can speak up for what’s best for the community, our patients and the practice of medicine, and as physicians, our voices are absolutely necessary in the legislative process.
This year was the first full year with all five District Branches represented in CSAP. We grew closer through our advocacy efforts. We further increased collaboration with CMA, APA, and the APA Area 6 Assembly. We worked to improve our internal processes in a fair, just, and transparent way, including efforts related to our policy platform and our procedural code. I am certain this next year’s officers will continue to improve the above and more.
I truly appreciate the members of the Board, the GA Committee, and the staff, especially the Managing Director Mr. Paul Yoder. I look forward to continued involvement in CSAP’s mission for advocacy. And I am certain that as we have our annual turnover in Board and GA Committee leadership, we will remain in good hands.

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