Senator McGuire, the Senate Majority Leader, has introduced legislation on Coordinated Specialty Care that is modeled after what the American Psychiatric Association is attempting to get into law in all fifty states. APA was assisted in drafting this model legislation by many doctors in California. Once in print, the bill will be SB 1337 (McGuire). CSAP is incredibly grateful to the Senator and his staff for all their due diligence on the issue and, of course, ultimately agreeing to author the bill. CSAP is also grateful to the doctors in California who have worked so hard on this issue for so many years, as well as staff at the APA who have once again demonstrated their phenomenal partnership. CSAP believes that a host of other statewide organizations will come on in support, including the Kennedy Forum and the Steinberg Institute. Every day provides fresh perspectives on this issue; staff at California’s Mental Health Oversight and Accountability Commission recently pointed out that Massachusetts recently released a strategic plan for CSC in their state, which you can find here.