The California Health Care Foundation sponsored a webinar on CalAim. You may view materials and SYASL staff notes below. Agenda & PlaybackSlidesSYASL Staff Notes
The California Health Care Foundation sponsored a webinar on CalAim. You may view materials and SYASL staff notes below. Agenda & PlaybackSlidesSYASL Staff Notes
The State’s Legislative Analyst published a detailed analysis of the Governor’s most recent proposal to reimpose a tax on health plans in California (aka the “Managed Care Organization Tax”), which would increase Medi-Cal rates in California. Read more here. The CMA
County advocates have sent a letter to the Director of Finance and Legislative Budget Chairs requesting additional considerations for funding. You may view the letter here.
The Assembly Emergency Management, Joint Legislative Committee on Emergency Management, and the Assembly Communications and Conveyance Committees held a joint oversight hearing: California’s 9-1-1 Systems and How the State is Implementing the 9-8-8 Crisis Hotline Center and Next Generation 911. You
The new Managed Care Organization, or MCO, tax would start nine months earlier than Governor Newsom originally proposed, bringing in an extra $3.7 billion. But the extra money and earlier start date come with a catch: The proposal needs to be negotiated,
Governor Newsom just released his revised 2023-24 state budget (aka “The May Revision”). Since the release of his January budget proposal, monthly revenue shortfalls have continued, which have contributed to the May Revision General Fund revenue estimate shortfall of $8.4 billion (before transfers
On May 9, the DEA announced that it will be extending flexibilities regarding telemedicine prescribing of controlled substances until November 11th, 2023 for new patients and until November 11th, 2024 for established patients. APA is working on getting more in-depth resources
CSAP, with SYASL’s help, has worked hard to position the organization as a “go to” in California on issues affecting psychiatrists, patients, and practices. This work continues to pay off. This week, the Washington Post ran a story “California shifts to an experiment in