This week, Attorney General Bonta provided an update on the California Department of Justice’s (DOJ) ongoing work to address the fentanyl crisis, “including the seizure of over 4 million fentanyl pills

and almost 900 pounds of fentanyl powder, and over 200 arrests through the DOJ’s Bureau of Investigation and work with allied task forces throughout California since April 2021. DOJ continues this work through the Fentanyl Enforcement Program, a statewide enforcement initiative designed to detect, deter, disrupt, and dismantle criminal fentanyl operations and prevent fentanyl from reaching California neighborhoods and communities. In addition to this on-the-ground work, Attorney General Bonta continues an all-in approach to hold the opioid industry accountable for their role in creating the opioid crisis and its impacts. To date, the California Department of Justice has secured over $32 billion through nationwide settlements, including $2 billion for California, bringing needed funding back to communities for treatment and prevention strategies.” Read more here.