The GA Committee and Board left no stone unturned at their meetings on Monday, September 13. The GA Committee took a last look at bills heading to the Governor and decided to weigh in with the Governor on four more. The Board concurred in every instance. New actions are as follows:
SB 14 (Portantino) – Would include, specifically, “for the benefit of the behavioral health of the pupil” within the “illness” category for excused absences for purposes of school attendance; and (2) require the California Department of Education to identify an evidence-based and evidence-informed training program for local educational agencies to address youth behavioral health, including staff and pupil training. CSAP supports this bill.
SB 110 (Wiener) – Would require substance use disorder services provided under Drug Medi-Cal to include contingency management services as an optional benefit, subject to utilization controls, as specified, to the extent funds are appropriated in the annual Budget Act for this purpose. CSAP supports this bill.
SB 806 (Roth) – This bill has many provisions. Among them, the bill would extend the sunset dates for the Medical Board of California, the Osteopathic Medical Board of California, the Podiatric Medical Board of California, and the Physician Assistant Board, and make additional technical changes, statutory improvements, and policy reforms stemming from the joint sunset review oversight of the programs. The California Medical Association (CMA) “supports the continued regulation of the medical profession by extending the MBC’s sunset” but “is concerned with restoring the MBC’s cost recovery authority. Regaining this authority, although framed as a way to address fiscal concerns, is likely going to be used as leverage to encourage licensees being investigated to settle a case. This potential leverage tool is disconcerting from a due process perspective and is a distraction from seeking more appropriate enforcement program overhauls and efficiencies.” FYI, the MBC is currently out of funding. CSAP will express similar concerns to the Governor’s staff.
AB 570 (Santiago) – Would require an individual health care service plan contract or health insurance policy issued, amended, or renewed on or after January 1, 2023, that provides dependent coverage to make dependent coverage available to a parent or stepparent who meets the definition of a qualifying relative under specified federal law and who lives or resides within the health plan or insurer’s service area. CSAP supports this bill.
Here’s the latest bill matrix for bills that have gone to the Governor on which CSAP has a position. In the coming weeks, we will discuss “two-year” bills, i.e. bills that were introduced earlier this year but will have to wait until 2022 for further action.